A good run: Overlawyered, 1999-2020
I published the first Overlawyered post on July 1, 1999, and I expect this
post on May 31, 2020 will be the last. As someone in the entertainment
world o...
Migration Happens
*This is from three years ago on the subject of migration, it might allow a
repeat. History tells us of the constant movement of peoples and what
Historic Chart of the Day
Based on today's Census Bureau report on April retail sales, consumer
spending at "*Food Services and Drinking Places*" (restaurants and bars,
see red li...
resurrection, part 5
Its been a few weeks here on the Left Coast, unexpectedly finding myself
immersed in the reboot of this turbo bike build at Zombie Apocalypse
Workshop's se...
Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their
decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens,"
and the...
"One is best served by measuring success in life not merely by the quality
of one's friendships, but also by the cuntiness of one's enemies." -
Professor H...
Canada in the game
Anonymous digital "cash" from an actual Sovereign nation.